Blue Nature Bio Pvt Ltd is envisaged as a Grain Based 2 X 110 KLPD Distillery Plant for Ethanol production under Ethanol Blended Petrol (EBP) Program of the Government of India.
With a planned annual capacity of 66 million litres/year of ethanol, we are one of the largest upcoming projects under the EBP Program in Rajasthan.
The plant is located in in Banswara, Rajasthan. Banswara Agro climatic zone is the MAIZE bowl of India which ensures ample supply of raw material for the ethanol production.

Fuel Grade Ethanol
Fuel Grade Ethanol for blending with petroleum for producing E10 to E20 (10% - 20% ethanol blending in petroleum fuel) under the EBP Program of GoI.

Pharma Grade Ethanol
High purity ethanol for Pharmaceutical and Perfumery industry is also an import substitute and item in short supply.

Value Chain Products
Deploying innovative technology to produce high value products for example export quality DDGS (corn based) and derivatives of CO2 (a green house gas) to protect environment and create opportunities.